Leaders in Self Managed Superannuation Funds

D&A Professional Services has the expertise to help you manage and accumulate your superannuation fund in preparation for retirement. Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF’s) are becoming a very popular superannuation structure and are ideal for individuals, families and businesses that want more control over how their superannuation is invested.

While the thought of additional control over your Superannuation may seem daunting at first, our goal at D&A Professional Services is to guide you through this process, ensuring that your SMSF is meeting your needs, working at full capacity and capitalising on all the additional tax advantages on offer.

Thinking of setting up a Self Managed Superannuation Fund?

Whether you have an existing SMSF or would like to discuss how a SMSF could benefit you, our dedicated team of professionals in Noble Park are here to help and advise you through every step of the process.